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- Walhalla centenary (Victoria)
- The tramways that served Edithburgh (South Australia)
- The Hillend Colliery tramroad, Cessnock (New South Wales)
- Lakes Creek Meatworks tramway, Rockhampton (Queensland)
- Lure of the narrow gauge railway to Walhalla (Victoria)
- Letters: Spray Tunnel at Zeehan (LR 213); Exhibition Building tramways, Melbourne (LR 212); Puffing Billy’s 861├ó┬Ç┬ö the former John Benn (LR 213); The Wootton├ó┬Ç┬öMayers Point Tramway (LR 211); Steam locomotives on Victorian timber tramways (LR 212)
- Book Reviews: Clydes among the Cane: Fiji’s sugar railway on Viti Levu
- Research: NLA On-line research tools; LRRSA 50th Anniversary; Willoughby Incinerator
- Industrial Railway News (16 items from around Australia)
- Heritage & Tourist Railway News (10 news items and Coming Events)
This issue includes a well illustrated coverage of the visit of NA class locomotive 7A to Walhalla late in May as part of the centenary celebrations of the Walhalla railway.
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